Contact Information

Mr. James Meyer

Mrs. Lisa Trayter

Business Manager

Director of Facilities and Transportation 

724-446-7272 ext. 1012

724-446-7272 ext. 1007

Fax: 724-446-5017

The Facilities Department at YOUGH SCHOOL DISTRICT includes 3 Maintenance positions and 23 Custodial/ Utility Tech which are part of the AFSCME Union. The Department is responsible for the repairs, upkeep and preservation of the District's five buildings.

Certified Workplace Safety Committee

The Workplace Safety Committee is always interested in hearing suggestions regarding safety in the School District. If you have a comment or suggestion, you can send a message to the Chair at:

Or speak with any of the committee's members:

Sarah Surovchak

Angela Wilson

Sarah Rice

Anthony Natale

Jenifer Skorvan

Bob Miller

Jenn Etze

Kim Tietze

Lisa Trayter

Dan Wilkins

James Meyer